Camping on hold during Coronavirus beach closures

Update 5/20/2020
Pinellas County has resumed issuing camping permits for Shell Key. The county’s website for issuing permits has changed – and there is now a $6 per-boat fee.

Update 5/15/2020
Pinellas County is expected to resume normal operations on 5/20/20. They should resume issuing camping permits at that time.

Update 4/30/2020
Pinellas County will NOT be issuing camping permits when they open the beaches on Monday 5/5/20. This site will be updated with new information as it comes in.

Pinellas County Land Manager Pam Leisure has confirmed that Shell Key has been closed for all visitation including day visits. We will post updates about the closure as we get more information.

Screenshot from the County website

Pinellas County has issued an order to close all public beaches in response to the COVID 19 health threat. As part of the beach closures, the county has put a hold on issuing camping permits on Shell Key. There is no indication about how long the closures will remain in effect, but it will likely coincide with the other beach closures in Pinellas. We have asked the county if the closures also effect daytime visitation – and will post their response as soon as we get it (See update above). At this time, the Ft. Desoto campgounds and the boat ramp remain open.

It must have been a difficult decision to close all public beaches – not only for the economic impact – but also the risk that closing these resources may cause people to concentrate in greater numbers at private locations. We urge everyone to comply with these directives and resist the urge to find alternative locations to congregate. These measures are in place to minimize the number of people exposed at any given time – so that our medical resources are not overwhelmed. These are perilous times and a voluntary abundance of caution is the right thing to do.

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Article: Camping on hold during Coronavirus beach closures