Florida natives are often surprised when we warn our northern visitors about sandspurs – and are met with blank stares or the innocent question: “What’s a Sandspur?”. ‘Sandspurs’ or ‘sandburs’ are a type of grass that produces many thorny and…
Pinellas County’s website for Shell Key has been incorporated into the new Parks and Conservation Resources department’s website. The camping permit page has also been updated.
No phone, no lights, no motor car Not a single luxury. Like Robinson Crusoe … It’s primitive as can be When you visit Shell Key, you are essentially in the wilderness. There are no toilets – there is no running…
Get everything you need to visit Shell Key and learn more about this wonderful local destination. We have information on boat navigation, wilderness camping, visitor rules, science and history of the island and the surrounding waters. Shell Key Preserve is located…
We sent a list of questions to the general email link on the county’s Shell Key page regarding the maintenance of the Shell Key Management Plan in the wake of the disbanding of the County’s Environmental Lands Division. We were…
Due to budget cuts, the Pinellas County Environmental Lands Division will be disbanded after the start of the Fiscal year in October. Oversight for the Shell Key Management Plan will be transferred to the County Parks Department. We will monitor…
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