Questions & Comments

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Questions and Comments

Article: Questions & Comments
292 comments on “Questions & Comments
  1. Susanne Daniels says:

    Are fire works visible around the area(new years eve/july 4th)? I know the are prohibited on the park grounds and fort desoto does not have a display. Also, has anyone kayaked from fort desoto/shell key to saint pete beach? How far/timely is it at a decent speed?

  2. Adam C says:

    I understand you need to list the names of all people camping on the reservation. Is it possible to add/remove names if after submitting the paperwork?

    • Jack Coletti says:

      Hi Adam,

      I have never heard of law enforcement asking to see the list of people on your permit and checking ID’s to verify. I’m relatively sure you can have anyone in your group as long as you do not exceed the number of people permitted (6 people per permit). In fact, the likelihood of anyone asking to see your permit is very low – and usually only happens if you have a large group of people partying in such a way that might attract law enforcement. It is also more likely on busy holiday weekends. The island is not regularly patrolled by the police because there simply are not the resources to do so. I would describe it as the ‘honor system’ with occasional spot checks by law enforcement.

      Hope this helps!

  3. Robin Baker says:

    Is this tent camping or can you boondock with a travel trailer?

  4. Michele Carpenter says:

    Currently are dogs allowed on Shell Island?

  5. Missy Thedford says:

    We’re interested in looking for shells at shell key and wanted to know how long the ferry stays or how often it runs.

  6. Barry H Hall says:

    Hello. Does anyone know if vehicle camping and over night camp is allowed on the Pinellas bay way on the side road for “fishing” prior to getting to Fort Desoto? Also is fire pits permitted in these areas

  7. Kenneth Danes says:

    Please share the location of the “backside flats”. I couldn’t find it on any map. Thank you!

    • Jack Coletti says:

      Hey Ken,

      I don’t know of a specific location with that name, but “flats” generally refer to shallow areas with an even bottom – which pretty well describes all the waters between Shell Key and the Pinellas Bayway – aka the “Seagrass Caution” areas.

      Hope this helps!

  8. Islander Jay says:

    Hi, my son’s birthday is coming up and of course wants to go shark tooth exploring. Instead of driving down to Venice from Oldsmar, how does Shell Key compare to Venice when Looking for shark’s teeth?

    • Jack Coletti says:

      Hi Jay,

      I have found a number of shark’s teeth on Shell Key over the years, but I couldn’t say how plentiful they will be if you visit. I do know that waters off Egmont Key (just a stone’s throw from Shell Key) are one of the largest shark breeding grounds in the southeast US. And I hear about bountiful shark’s teeth being found there quite often. I imagine that Shell Key should be similarly plentiful. This time of year, we have regular storms blowing through – which usually kick up more shells and such from the sea bottom. If I were to guess, I’d say that Egmont key would be your best bet for shark’s teeth. But Shell Key should be great too. There are ferries going out to both islands on a regular basis.

      Have fun!

  9. Chelsea says:

    I’ve been to shell key once before and am wondering how to get to the mangrove tunnels! I kayaked from Arrowhead picnic area straight across.

  10. KJ says:

    Is a bonfire at the campsite/beach permitted? If so, how much does it cost to get a permit or reserve a space?

  11. Ben says:

    Hi, we are planning to kayak (two single kayaks) from the Pinellas Bayway Kayak Launch. We would like to kayak to a spot where we can leave the kayaks for a couple of hours and go swimming and snorkeling where there colorful creatures to see. Then we plan to kayak back in the afternoon. Please kindly suggest how we can accomplish that.

    • Jack Coletti says:

      Hi Ben,

      Although there are no appreciable underwater structures or corals in the area, your best bet for clear snorkeling visibility would be on the Gulf (west) side of the island. You could beach your kayaks on the inside of the island at this location and walk west to the gulf side for swimming and snorkeling. It just takes a few minutes to walk across. The south end of the island (along Bunces Pass) also has relatively clear water and may be calmer than the gulf side. You could kayak directly to the south shore if you decide on that location.

      Hope this helps!

  12. Timothy Nguyen says:

    Hey do you know how far and long of a kayak trip it is to the camping spots on shell key?

  13. Carol says:

    Where is the best spot to launch our own paddle boards to get to shell key?

  14. Pat kenny says:

    Where could we rent kayaks for shell key island

  15. Andreina Guerra says:

    Can we bring flashlights and charcoal for a portable grill during this Month of May?

  16. Analía Llorente says:

    Hello Jack!
    We are planning to camp in Fort De Soto next week. Can you recommend a place to launch our inflatable kayak to visit Shell Key and the best route to get there? thank you!

  17. Alan says:

    Are the campsite allocations signposted? Or how do you find your campsite number?

  18. Cayla Morningstar says:

    Where do we park our car overnight and what is the best place to launch our kayaks if we want to get a permit and camp?

    • Jack Coletti says:

      Hi Cayla,

      The only legal place that I know of to park overnight is the Ft. Desoto boat ramp. There is a $6 per day charge. You can buy multiple days.

      Hope this helps!

  19. Robin says:

    Hi is there a way to get a beach wheelchair on Shell Key?

    • Jack Coletti says:

      Hi Robin,

      There are no facilities whatsoever on Shell Key, so you would need to bring your own wheelchair. I’m sure that the Ferries would have no problem with you bringing the wheelchair if you have one. I don’t know of anyone that rents all terrain wheelchairs. If you have a chair, just consider carefully how your passenger will get from the boat onto the beach. There are no docks on the island, so anyone wanting to go ashore will need to climb off the boat and wade to the shore (or be carried). Ideally, you would find a spot on the inside of the island where there are fewer waves on the beach. I have seen people get into precarious situations trying to get special needs people off of a bouncing boat and onto the shore. That being said, if you find the right spot, it’s totally doable.

      Hope this helps!

  20. Tracy says:

    Can you recommend a place to rent snorkeling gear for a visit to the island?
    Thank you

    • Jack Coletti says:

      Hi Tracy,

      The only place I know of to rent snorkeling gear is a scuba shop – but that could get pricey. You might start by googling some local dive shops to get some prices – and then compare that to buying some inexpensive gear at a local mega store. (I bet you could get fins, mask and snorkel at walmart for a song and a dance). Some of the shuttles that go to Shell Key also offer snorkeling tours with gear provided.

      Hope this helps!

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